GIS & Geoinformatics Programs

We offer a non-thesis Master of Science degree in GIS and Geoinformatics, and a graduate certificate.  The courses taken for the graduate certificate degree may be applied toward the master’s degree. 

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Master of Science Degree

The Master of Science (Non-Thesis) is an ON-LINE program.  It may be applied for by individuals holding undergraduate degrees in an earth science. Students require 30 credit hours (10 courses).  The program comprises three required courses, which includes a graduate project, and seven elective courses.

The GIS & GeoInformatics graduate certificate may be applied to this Master of Science program. Undergraduate students at Colorado School of Mines may apply for a combined degree program (also known as the ‘4+1’ program) for which specific courses may be counted towards both the undergraduate and Master’s Degree.

There are no Geology&Geological Engineering Department scholarships for this program. Students needing financial support may consider applying separately to professional organization, government, or company scholarships.  A limited selection of scholarships are listed for reference and should be applied to separately from the Colorado School of Mines application.

Core Requirements, GIS Master of Science Degree

Course No.Course TitleCreditsPre-requisiteOn-Line TimeframeAlternative
GEGN575Applications in Geographic Information Systems (GIS)3Fall 1st Half Semester
SYGN588GIS-Based Real World Learning Project 1 - Fundamentals3GEGN575Spring 1st Half Semester
SYGN590GIS-Based Real World Learning Project 2 - Advanced Applications3SYGN590Spring 2nd Half Semester

Elective Course Selection

Course No.Course TitleCreditsPre-requisiteOn-line Timeframe Alternative
GEGN542Advanced Terrain Analysis3GEGN575Fall 2nd Half Semester
GEGN580Applied Remote Sensing for Geoengineering and Geosciences3Spring 1st Half Semester
GEGN588Advanced Planetary GIS3GEGN580Fall 1st Half Semester
GEGN579Python Scripting for ArcGIS Pro3GEGN575Fall 2nd Half Semester
DSCI503Introduction to Data Science3Fall or Spring, 1st Half Semester
GEOL557Earth Resource Data Science I - Fundamentals3Fall 2nd Half Semester
GEOL558Earth Resource Data Science 2 - Applications & Machine Learning3GEOL557Spring 1st Half Semester
CEEN501Life Cycle Assessment3Fall or Spring, 1st Half Semesteror CEEN581 in person spring full semester
DSCI530Statistical Methods 13Fall or Spring, 2nd Half Semesteror GEGN532 in person spring full semester
MNGN502Geospatial Big Data Analytics3In person Spring full semester or MNGN598A in person fall full semester

Selected Independent Scholarships for Master’s Degrees in GIS

OrganizationLinkApplication DeadlineComment
SRK 30Company Sponsored Scholarship
AIPG William Siok Graduate 1American Institute of Professional Geologists
ASPRS GIS 15American Society of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing
GIS May 20 and July 15GIS Colorado
Great College Scholarships
AIG American Geosciences Institute 6Female Graduate Students
AWG Association for Women Geoscientists Scholarships
AGI American Geosciences 1
SEG Society of Economic Geologists 1
SIPES Foundation, Society of Independent Professional Earth 15
AAUW Selected Professions 1Women
AFA Air Force 30USA Veterans, Captain Jodi Callahan Scholarship
Fulbright Scholars
US Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF)HTTPS://usgif-scholarship-program/May 31GIS
Geological Society of Nevada

Combined Undergraduate / Graduate Program

Students enrolled in an undergraduate program at Colorado School of Mines may combine undergraduate and graduate programs if registration is uninterrupted  from the time the student earns their undergraduate degree to the time the student begins the graduate program. The program should be applied for by undergraduates one semester before the final semester. Also referred to as the ‘4+1’ program for undergraduate students, the combined program allows that up to six credit hours may be double-counted in fulfilling the requirements of the undergraduate degree and also counting towards the Master’s Degree program.

Any courses that count toward the graduate degree requirements, required or elective coursework, may be used for the purposes of double-counting by approval of the GIS program advisor. These courses must have been passed with a B- or better. 

Graduate Certificates

The graduate certificate programs in GIS and GeoInformatics may be applied for by individuals having an Earth Science undergraduate degree. The program comprises 12.0 credit hours (4 courses). One course is required and the other three may be from the selection of GIS courses.

*Prior certificates as seen in the 24-25 catalog, have been discontinued effective spring 2025.

Core Requirements GIT and Geohazard (GH) Graduate Certificates

Course No.Course TitleCreditsOn-Line TimeframeAlternative
GEGN575Applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)3Fall 1st Half Semester
Spring 2nd Half Semester

Elective Course Selection

Course No.Course TitleCreditsPre-requisiteOn-Line TimeframeAlternative
GEGN542Advanced Terrain Analysis3GEGN575Fall 2nd Half Semesteror MNGN502 in person Spring full semester
GEGN580Applied Remote Sensing for Geoengineering and Geosciences3Spring 1st Half Semester
GEGN588Advanced Planetary GIS3GEGN580Fall 1st Half Semester
GEGN579Python Scripting for ArcGIS Pro3GEGN575Fall 2nd Half Semester
DSCI503Introduction to Data Science3Fall or Spring, 1st Half Semester
GEOL557Earth Resource Data Science I - Fundamentals3Fall 2nd Half Semester
GEOL558Earth Resource Data Science 2 - Applications 3GEOL557Spring 1st Half Semester
CEEN501Life Cycle Assessment3Fall or Spring, 1st Half Semester
DSCI530Statistical Methods 13Fall or Spring, 2nd Half Semester